Call of duty ghosts logan call of duty ghost wallpaper

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The brothers survive the explosion of a gasoline truck, but Logan is hurt, and he is taken to the truck by Elias and Hesh. Elias ordered his sons to return home, but are forced to leave due to the rods destroying the landscape, and are nearly killed.

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Logan and Hesh were listening to their father tell the story of the Ghosts, and return home when the Federation uses the ODIN space station to strike the United States. Logan was known for having a close bond with his brother, David, as he often follow his footsteps, and would be later raised by Elias to hunt.

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The family lived in San Diego, California, as Elias was part of the United States Army, and served in Task Force Stalker, better known as Ghosts.

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Logan Walker was born in 2001 to Elias Walker and an unnamed mother, and was the younger brother to David Walker.

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